Foodistini Rezept Brezenknödel
Savoury Recipe

Brezenknödel – dumplings made from German Brezel

What would a tradtional German roast be without acompaning Knödel (German style dumplings)? Not complete. And what would happen if you chose some other baked good instead of rolls to make your Knödel – such as Brezel for example? You would get delicouse Brezenknödel. And now I am very sorry to tell you that this […]

Foodistini Rezept Körnerbrot
Savoury Recipe

bread with seeds

If I would have to name one food that evokes in me the feeling of security and family, I would nominate freshly baked bread. Since I can remember my mother baked the greatest breads for us. The entire family would gather at the table for a cold dinner, something we call “Vesper” in Germany. There […]

Foodistini Beitragsbild Spätzle
Savoury Recipe

Spätzle – a traditional Swabian noodle dish

As someone born in Stuttgart and dedicated to sharing my favorite recipes with you on this blog, there really is no choice for me but to mention “Spätzle”. It is almost impossible to finde a good translation as they are not really comparable to Italian pasta or “thimble dumplings” (as suggested in a dictionary) – […]

Foodistini Rezept Flammkuchen
Savoury Recipe

tarte flambe

A few weeks ago I learned a trick for a quicker way to bake a Flammkuchen: use store-bought tortilla wraps as the base. And that workes surprisingly well! Topped with tomato, pancetta and red onion they were tasty. And it gave me food for thought. How could I make something this tasty even quicker and […]

Foodistini Rezept Käsefüße
Savoury Recipe

Cheesy Cookies

Normally most of us only unpack their cookie cutter collection around Christmas. But what happens to all the cute bunnies and mice dreaming in the cookie cutter tin? These get woken up by me around easter! But not for sweet cookies, but instead salty, cheesy cookies. A dough made out of 4 ingredients and topped […]

Foodistini Rezept Ravioli gefüllt mit Roter Beete, Feta, Walnuss
Savoury Recipe

Beet Root – Feta – Walnut – Ravioli

To finish of my Pasta-Theme-Days I’ve got a third recipe for you. Now as it should no longer be a problem for you to make your own pasta dough and fill pasta, we will be doing something easier now: Ravioli. Personally, I always confuse ravioli and tortellini, but in the end it doesn’t matter as […]