Who is foodistini?


How lovely that you are visiting my blog!

My name is Anne-Marie and as Foodistini – so, as a tiny Person in a tiny kitchen („tini“), who loves food („foodist“) – I am sharing my adventures in and outside the kitchen with you.

Profilbild Bloggerin Foodistini.de

As my chosen blog name Foodistini shows: yummy food is my passion! The preparation of a tasty meal has something meditative for me. I can slow down, be creative and in the end enjoy the (hopefully) good result. And that is why I don’t mind, if the preparation is sometimes lengthy and elaborate, as long as the endresults still convince me. But as a busy law student my everyday day cooking is mostly comprised of quick and uncomplicated recipes. For both extremes and everything in the middle a ton of ideas for recipes, variations and taste-combinations are floating around in my head, that you and I can read up on here on this blog. If you decide to tinker with one of my recipes I would love to read and see your experiences and results in the comments or on Instagram under #foodistini!


Now feel free to take a look on my website for inspiration for your adventures in and outside your kitchen. If you would like to contact me, you can send me an mail to foodistini@gmail.com.


My legal notice can be found here – the information regarding this websites privacy protection here – and my copyright policy here.