Foodistini Rezept Waffeln
Recipe Sweet


A weekend-morning recipe for relaxed Sundays: sweet waffles. What I like best about them, is that you can top the waffles with whatever floats your boat. Whipped cream and cherry compote like in the picture. Plain yogurt, honey and apple. Or skyr with banana. Just powdered sugar. Or nutella. And not only on Sunday mornings, […]

Foodistini Rezept Gebratener Reis
Savoury Recipe

fried rice

Every time A makes sushi rice I ask him to make a bit more than we need. Not because I necessarily want a bitter portion of for example a Donburi, but just because I always look forward to frying up the left overs with garlic and egg the next day. I hope this recipe for […]

Foodistini Rezept Reis Bowl Donburi
Savoury Recipe


According to Wikipedia “Donburi” is a Japanese dish, where a bowl is filled with rice and then topped with additional ingredients. So it is just fitting that “Donburi” literally translates to “bowl”. It is one of my favorite dished to cook, because one can use whatever topping can be found at home. So during the […]

Foodistini Rezept Johannisbeerkuchen
Recipe Sweet

Red Current Cake

The red current season is almost over. Sadly. And since I love them, I planted my own berry bush on the balcony this year. I wish I could tell you, that it grew enough berries to bake this cake, but it was just enough for the decoration… And so, a very big thank you to […]

Foodistini Rezept Linsensuppe
Savoury Recipe

lentil Soup

Complementing my vegetable tip from last week, todays recipe is for a quick lentil soup. With lots of protein from the red lentils and yogurt. And if someone would like a vegan version, just change up the topping and enjoy the soup. Recipe – lentil soup Amount: 2 portions Prep time: 20 minutes 1 onion […]

Foodistini Rezept Suppengemüse
Savoury Recipe Tips & Tricks

Vegetables for soup stock (mirepoix)

Today, I don’t want to share a “recipe” with you, but instead a tip that makes my life in the kitchen just that much easier. A tip regarding the vegetables used in soup stocks. Because I have noticed, that I like my homemade soups a lot more, if I prepare them with vegetables instead of […]

Foodistini Rezept Chocolate Chip Scones
Recipe Sweet

Chocolate Chip Scones

Every once in a while there are these days, they mostly happen to be Sundays, on which I think to myself: well, now I would like to bake something. I’ve got the time for that right now. But then one opens the almost empty fridge and realizes, there are no more eggs. And for these […]